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发布日期:2025-01-03 19:32    点击次数:175
(点击上方关注键盘侠,获悉更多有趣资讯。)[赛后贴]今日NBA季中锦标赛决赛,湖人队123-109战胜步行者队。双方数据步行者:哈利伯顿20分11助、马瑟林20分、内史密斯15分3板、杰克逊10分5板4帽、希尔德8分5板4助、托平13分、特纳10分7板、布朗4分2断、麦康纳8分9助3断。湖人:戴维斯41分20板5助4帽、詹姆斯24分11板4助2断、雷迪什9分3板3帽、普林斯6分3板2助、拉塞尔13分7助、里夫斯28分3助。 [–]CavaliersRevolutionary_Gear70 1968 points an hour agoLakers big 3 of Lebron, AD and Reaves combined for 93 points, 35 FGs and 0 made threes lmao骑士球迷:湖人三巨头老詹、浓眉、里夫斯合砍93分,命中35个投篮,却一个三分也没投进,哈哈哈~~~[–]LakersHunterkiller00 241 points an hour agoHoly shit that's insane actually lol湖人球迷:卧槽!这属实是有点牛逼,哈哈哈!![–]Jazz_letitsnow 403 points an hour agostraight up 90's basketball球迷:这打的分明就是上世纪90年代的篮球啊![–]Yorha-with-a-pearl 150 points 2 hours ago123 points and only two 3s. +80 points in the paint. Just ridiculous.球迷:全场得123分,却只进了2个三分球,禁区得分80多分,太残暴啦~~~~ [–]WarriorsMC-Jdf 54 points an hour agoI think the broadcast mentioned that every single made FG from LeBron/AD were in the paint. Crazy stuff勇士球迷:我记得今天解说员说过,老詹和浓眉本场进的每一个球,都是禁区得分,这就有点乱来了啊!! [–]Lakersdawnoog 47 points an hour agoLebron still had 63% 3 point shooting for the in-season tournament湖人球迷:然而老詹整个季中锦标赛的三分命中率仍然高达63%! [–]RaptorsProfessorBeast55 1046 points 2 hours agoAD turns into Wilt every time in a neutral setting lol猛龙球迷:每当比赛在没有主客场之分的情况下,浓眉都会被张伯伦附身啊,哈哈哈!!注:参考2020年在泡泡赛区夺冠的那个赛季,当时浓眉季后赛的表现! [–]analytics_Gnome 449 points an hour agoAD is the most confusing superstar i have followed球迷:确实,浓眉是最让我猜不透的一个超级巨星! [–]vvrr00 412 points 2 hours agoPacers rushed their shots alot. Their hustle helped them remain in the game but they were rushing every shot unnecessarily even though they have enough time.球迷:今天步行者进攻有太多仓促的出手了!虽然他们拼劲十足,帮自己咬住了比分,但是每个回合的投篮出手都太仓促了,哪怕是在进攻时间还剩下很多的情况下,这完全没必要啊![–]LakersClearAdhesiveness161 384 points 2 hours agoThis is good for them, they got playoff experience without losing a playoff game.Unreal tournament, good on the NBA for putting it on!湖人球迷:不过今天这比赛对步行者来说仍有大大的好处,因为他们有幸可以在不输任何一场季后赛的情况下增加季后赛经验。季中锦标赛太牛了,NBA干得好,有点东西啊![–]SpursMakeAShadow 867 points 2 hours agoAD when he’s on his game is fucking incredible. Shut the door in the 4th with that 10-0 individual run.I’m going to be hearing whistles in my nightmares.马刺球迷:浓眉这个原子弹,要么不爆发,一爆发那就是毁天灭地啊!今天第四节个人连得10分将比赛盖棺定论!我现在做噩梦满耳朵都是哨子响啊~~~注:今天湖人造了步行者33个犯规。 [–]ThunderLugNutsDort 855 points 2 hours agoReminder! No team that has ever won the In Season Tournament has EVER won the NBA Title. Tough look for the Lakers.雷霆球迷:湖人你们别高兴得太早了!!据我所知,历史上还没有球队在赢得季中锦标赛冠军之后,同时又赢下当赛季总冠军!!看来形势对湖人来说不乐观啊~~~ [–]Kings Bandwagonarknomane 399 points 2 hours agoThe most Lakers style win this season. Couldn't hit threes, missed a lot of free throws, but relentless paint points, rebounding, and absolutely smothering defense.国王球迷:今天这场是典型的湖人式胜利!投不进三分、罚不进球,但是制霸禁区得分、篮板,且防守窒息![–]albertez 86 points 2 hours agoBig takeaway from me is IST is great and was surprisingly fun.球迷:对我来说,季中锦标赛弄得太棒了!而且是意想不到的好看啊!![–]Mountain3Pointer 25 points 2 hours agoExcept the courts. Lord have mercy.球迷:是的,除了那些要人老命的场地~~~老天爷开开眼吧~~~~ [–]Lakersahr3410 394 points 2 hours ago*We own the tiebreaker with the Celtics for GOAT franchise now湖人球迷:我湖现在已经超过凯尔特人,成为联盟最伟大球队啦!!!!注:湖人和凯尔特人的总冠军数均是17个。[–]D09987766 173 points 2 hours ago17.5 banners球迷:对,湖人现在有17.5个冠军了~~~[–]Lakerscaughtinthought 59 points 2 hours ago17.25 haha湖人球迷:算17.25个吧~~~哈哈哈~~~ [–]LakersEverybodyBuddy 2 points an hour agoYou knew it going in: Pacers never stood a damn chance in this game. Lebron was coming for it.湖人球迷:大家都心知肚明,今天这场决赛,步行者一丁点儿他娘的机会都没有!这个冠军逃不出老詹的手心!! [–]WizardsMattya929 20 points 2 hours agoDid anyone see Lebron toss AD that hat? It looked like a 10 foot toss with perfect spin…except it was a no-look pass? WTF?奇才球迷:大家看到老詹向浓眉扔那个帽子了没?看上去两人离得得有3米远,帽子以一种完美的旋转弧度落到了浓眉手里…而且那还是一个不看人传帽?我擦? [–]LakersG1Spectrum 399 points 2 hours agoAD had a great final but Bron was utterly dominant in all seven games湖人球迷:浓眉决赛打得很棒,但是老詹彻彻底底地统治了7场季中锦标赛! [–]Cavalierspuwetngbaso 97 points 2 hours agoIf there was an IST Finals Game MVP, it would have been AD no question. Utterly dominant tonight. But Lebron was also clearly the more consistent key player throughout their 7-0 IST run.骑士球迷:如果MVP是为季中锦标赛决赛设立的,那浓眉拿MVP完全没问题,他今晚统治了比赛。然而,纵观7场季中锦标赛,老詹才是那个更加稳定的关键球员! [–]LakersKaseyOfTheWoods 7 points 32 minutes agoKind of the reverse of the bubble, where AD was amazing throughout the playoffs, but LeBron was better in the Finals湖人球迷:和当年泡泡赛区总冠军之旅的情况刚好相反,当年浓眉在整个季后赛都打得很精彩,但是到了总决赛,老詹是打得更好的那个人![–]mediocreatbestguy 85 points 2 hours agoAD was absolutely beast tonight, but the Lakers is gonna live and die with lebron球迷:今晚浓眉确实如神兽降临,但是老詹是湖人的呼吸与心跳!! [–]MavericksPranker00111 12 points an hour agoIf you're teammate is Lebron, don't expect to get any awards, just like Jordan独行侠球迷:如果你和老詹做队友,那你就别指望得到任何个人荣誉了…这就像和乔丹做队友,是一样的…[–]Raptorsjps78 145 points 2 hours agoAdam is totally gifting him a franchise when Lebron retires猛龙球迷:萧华这是赤裸裸地暗示老詹退役后赠送他一支球队啊~~~[–]Lakershorsehasnoname 17 points 2 hours agoDude for sure has enough money to buy one already湖人球迷:老詹这小子肯定早就存够钱买一支球队了… [–][LAL] Alex CarusoSDas_ 30 points 2 hours agoTo be majority owner he’d need like $3B+ Hard to imagine he has that yet湖人球迷:要想成为一支球队的大股东,老詹可能需要大概30亿美金…我不信他已经存够钱了…[–]Jazz_letitsnow 37 points an hour agoWhy don't he just use his credit card? Problem solved爵士球迷:笨啊!他刷信用卡不就行啦?问题这不就解决了嘛[–]dotorb 493 points 3 hours agoDarvin: Uh yeah, what Bron said球迷:哈姆:啊…嗯…对对…老詹说的极是… [–]LakersMrAdelphi03 3 points an hour agoHOW IS LEBRON GOOD AT EVERYTHING??!!!!湖人球迷:老詹他怎么啥都会啊??!!!![–]LakersStebsy1234 778 points 4 hours agoLebrons gonna be an amazing coach after he retires at 45.湖人球迷:等他45岁退役之后,老詹肯定可以成为一个牛逼的教练!![–]Spursswantonist 7 points an hour agoI don’t think it’s possible to see someone like LeBron again. Basketball genius coupled with a god-like physical specimen, with a ravenous desire to be the greatest. How lucky do you have to be?马刺球迷:我觉得世界上不会再出现第二个像老詹这样的人了…拥有天才的篮球智商,天神下凡般的身体素质,还心怀对成就非凡功业的无尽欲望!!他妈妈上辈子得拯救了多少个银河系才能怀上这样一个神胎啊!!! 来源:Reddit 【来源:直播吧】

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